Monday, September 24, 2007

catch up

yest evening i met hui chin in midvalley. we had a couple hours of chat to catch up, i think the last time we met each other was the last day of 2006, new yrs eve when i visited her in singapore. as usual, we had our favorite ice cream baskins, then we went for a cheese cake - for more fat :-) while we were chatting one funny guy bounced to us n passed us a small piece of paper 'would u like to loose a few of inches' he said. then we just laughed at him n din really know wat we should react to his 'offensive' question. anyway he ran off right after we rejected him. oh my god, tats 'direct' marketing, i mean really straight n direct telling me i should lose weight.

apart from tat funny experience, we moved on with our 'ladies' chat n hui chin pls remember, i'm always here for u too. don worry u'll find ur way out. it will go along the way n always make the best decision for urself. we shall meet again soon i think? take care!

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