Friday, October 12, 2007

syiok sendiri

once in a while i just get into this syiok sendiri mood... u know, syiok sendiri.. ok below explains all ;-)

this was taken in ampang nahli's place by my bro. its one of the coolest malay restaurants i've been to. i just love the lighting effect with the seashells n sunny background =)

deviant day in IACT. n i was a mad pregnant woman. how mad? i think better ask my classmates.. (shaggy heads**)

wats tat sun glasses? i love sun glasses n now i hav new ones. n they r BIGGER!!

somewhere in singapore.. pau took this pic of me resting along the road. luckily my face is covered =) shy shy...

tats all for now. it takes a while for me to get the syiok sendiri mood again =)

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