Tuesday, August 14, 2007

time flies

i met Willem (from belgiun) today. he came here for exchange 2 yrs ago n now he is back again for holiday. just couldn believe its been 2 yrs. i really hope to go back to switzerland one day as well... miss there so much

its been a long time i din write anything. mayb too many things happened n i couldn even hav time to put everything here. i hope this blog could save some of my memories in life n i believe one day 10 yrs later when i read wat i wrote it would b really funny. (but just don wanna lock myself here, coz sometimes i'm really really lazy...)- cant help** hehe

oh!! one more thing, couldn believe Federer lost to Djokovic last night in rogers master series. P/S: Weilong dont b sad. i know y Nadal lost to Djokovic, coz he wanna let him revenge to Federer~~ WAHAHAHAHA!!!! i'm so happy (wheeee~~)


Shihui said...

just drop by the say hi!

didnt know that u have a blog. will visit once in a while. =)

take care.
hope life's good!~

linwei said...

hey!!! thanks:-)

just let me know when ur back k. then we can go makan again. hehe:-)

u take care too~